Male Judge In A Courtroom Typing On Laptop Near Mallet And Win Word
In 2024, Paletz Law has fought through court logjams and overreaching tenant initiatives to defend your rights and, in many cases, return your properties to you in the event of a tenant who is unable to fulfill their lease obligations.
Here are some examples from around the State:
Paletz Law received a no-cause result in a trial in which a tenant claimed $37,000 in damages from the property owner. We were able to prove that the tenant filing the lawsuit did not present enough evidence that the property owner had done anything wrong or violated the law.
In a threat case, a tenant allegedly assaulted another resident twice. Legal aid tried to get the court to extend the case for 30 more days. However, we stood firm, and a judgment was issued, giving the tenant no more than ten statutory days to move out of the property.
Paletz Law, while filing a non-payment case, discovered the tenants did not own the manufactured home in question. To make matters worse, one of the titleholders had moved out of state and was uncooperative. We filed a motion and obtained an order that our client took to the Michigan Secretary of State to effectively transfer the title into their name.
A tenant had a guardian appointed, which typically prolongs any court proceeding. However, we had anticipated this and preemptively served the guardian with the court documents. The Judge was going to postpone the case, but we could demonstrate that service was proper and due process had been preserved. The Judge, therefore, ruled in our client’s favor without any additional delay.
Paletz Law successfully found and contacted a title holder (who hadn’t lived in the mobile home for many years) and instructed him on how to obtain a duplicate title. Through our work, he ultimately signed off, allowing our client to transfer the title back into their name without incurring the costs of litigation.
Many courts have been delayed, especially when dealing with more complex matters. In one such court, Paletz Law filed a Health Hazard and Ex-Parte Motion to expedite the case. Not only did we get this pushed through, but due to the circumstances and our advocacy, we also got an immediate order of eviction granted, which was a huge win for our client.
A former employee/tenant of one of our clients was not paying their rent. In the nonpayment case, we negotiated with their attorney for a voluntary move-out. This negated the need to file a separate termination action, saving our client a lot of time and aggravation.
Paletz Law continues to obtain multiple lien releases on abandoned manufactured homes and has obtained court orders to transfer the title of those homes to our manufactured housing clients.
The Bottom Line: These are just a few of many examples of how Paletz Law continues to fight and win for our clients, no matter the challenges presented.
The information contained in this article is only meant to be a basic overview and should not be construed as legal advice. Readers should not act upon this information without the advice of an attorney. The contents are intended for general information purposes only and may not be quoted or referred to in any other publication or otherwise be disseminated without the prior written consent of Paletz Law.