The Paletz Law Blog

Paletz Portal Launches a New Era of Technology and Client Support

December 11th, 2024 | By: John M. Mione, Esq.

Bringing our clients a more interactive experience, the Paletz Portal launched this summer and has become an important part of our efforts to provide you with an enhanced and interactive case experience. The Paletz Portal launch has given our clients more opportunities for integration into daily work and more contact with our support team. The goal is to promote efficiency in your efforts to follow your specific cases and it has helped us, in turn, better expedite case findings and management. 

As we continue to grow and integrate into 2025, we will add more tools and innovation to align our staff with your needs for specific case updates and statuses. 

While the Michigan courts continue to struggle with handling cases, Paletz Law will double down on dedicating its deep bench of attorneys and staff to your cases. Whether it be judgments, orders of eviction or motions, our staff will continue to work on your behalf to relentlessly engage the courts to ensure they follow through with their process. 

Paletz Law already increased its support and lawyer team in 2024 and will continue to do so in 2025 to meet our clients’ growing needs and demands.   

The information contained in this article is only meant to be a basic overview and should not be construed as legal advice. Readers should not act upon this information without the advice of an attorney. The contents are intended for general information purposes only and may not be quoted or referred to in any other publication or otherwise be disseminated without the prior written consent of Paletz Law.

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