The Paletz Law Blog

The Decline Of the USPS: What It Means For Courts, Law Firms and Businesses

The United States Postal Service (USPS), once considered a dependable means of communication and document delivery, is continuing to face a credibility crisis due to its declining reliability. This issue extends beyond individual concerns and has far-reaching implications for many sectors of business. Particularly, this issue poses a major issue for the legal sector, as […]

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No Matter the Obstacles, Paletz Law Keeps Winning For Our Clients

More than any time in the history of U.S. property management, landlords are under siege by overburdened and tenant-friendly courts. Seas of new anti-landlord legislation are making their way through Lansing, hammering rental property owners with waves of new laws, making it almost impossible to vet prospective tenants by determining past rental and criminal behavior […]

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Set of Bills Proposed in Lansing Gives New Powers to Tenants

A new group of concurrent legislation designed to make life even more difficult for Michigan landlords has arrived in Lansing. Entitled the “Tenant Empowerment Package,” the proposed legislation, if passed, could prove to be another nightmare for property owners.  Introduced by District 21 State Senator Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing), this new set of bills would, among […]

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Here They Come Again: Another Package of Michigan Legislation Aims to Demand Landlords Accept Vouchers and Government Subsidies

The Michigan House of Representatives is reviving efforts to prohibit landlords with five or more units from denying prospective renters using housing vouchers or other government subsidies to pay their rent. A package of bills (Senate Bills 205, 206 and 207 and House Bills 4062 and 4063) would allow renters to file for damages and […]

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When Renting to Roommates Make Sure Your Leases Protect You

The housing crisis caused by a lack of inventory and high-interest rates is driving more and more people who, in better economic conditions, would be buying homes – to rent. This scenario has increased over the past year and entered another microeconomic stage. Depressed by inflation and a lack of housing choices, renters are increasingly […]

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CEO Matthew I. Paletz Interviewed by WILX News 10 in Lansing

Matt was interviewed by Marz Anderson about post-pandemic rental assistance funding. See the interview here.

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On Air

House Bill 5564 Aims to Keep Municipalities Out of a Landlord’s Business

Just in from Lansing … We have spent a good amount of time and effort letting our clients know about legislation that is pending or passed in the Michigan legislature that affects the way you do business.  Finally, there’s some good news potentially on the horizon with a new legislative proposal that could give landlords […]

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Application Fraud is Rampant for Landlords and Shows No Signs of Slowing

Michigan landlords can ask for pay stubs, W-2s, bank statements, paid invoices, or job offer letters to prove income for potential tenants.  But according to a new study from the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC), those proofs of income are being falsified at a mind-numbing level. In a study released just a few weeks ago, […]

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